As a child when I visited my aunt she always had a chicken curry on the cooker, the aroma would hit me as soon as she opened the front door. I do miss her curry. After many years the happy memories of my aunt come back to me whenever I smell a chicken curry. Family Recipe Roots is trying to create a collection of these recipes.
This blog is a great conversation starter when we are out and about, once the ‘food’ subject has been mentioned. The chat will go to the subject of traditional or favourite dishes, that is when we learn ‘new recipes’ or realise we eat the same dishes but cook them differently or with tweeks. With the busy lifestyle adults are living today less and less younger adults are having the time to cook from scratch. They opt for a takeaway version or a ready made version from the supermarket. Then one day it hits them that they never learned to cook their favourite dish cooked by their parents, aunts and grandparents.
Keeping these recipes safe and gathering knowledge of food and cultures around the world helps us to understand and be less ignorant about foods and people.
Bread, biscuits and soups are just a few examples of the same food eaten around the world but look, smell and taste different depending on where you live. We hope to collect as many different recipes from as many different countries as we can!
We are asking people to send in their recipes to share on our blog, to help keep these recipes safe and prevent them from being forgotten.
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